Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Predestined? For what?

I was reading on Bible Scholars (yes I finally paid) an article written by Dr. Blizzard. He was

discussing Romans 8:28-29. He makes some comments on why bad things happen to good

people and then moves on to the idea of "fatalism". Fatalism declares that whatever happens

must be God's will. This is quoting Dr. Blizzard: The concept of fatalism is closely akin to the

theology of predestination, which on the surface, also appears to be espoused in this passage and

the related passage in Ephesians 1. However, careful reading will establish that there was only

one thing -and one thing only- that was ever predestined. That was that all that would come to

God have been predestined to be conformed to the image of His son. That is of course in

agreement with the idea that we were created in the image of God.

I found this interesting wanted to share it.


1 comment:

Bryan said...

This is the only type of predestination that is comforting. I can't wait to be completely conformed to the image of Jesus. I long for "the day of His appearing" in my life.

Any other predestination makes me question God's justice and love.