Wednesday, March 11, 2009

But That Is Not What It Means To Me

When confronted with the truth about the pagan origins of christmas and easter, and even Sunday worship, most Christians respond "but that is not what it means to me, G-d looks at the heart" or "what difference does it make". It really doesn't matter what is means to us, what matters is what it means to G-d.
Let us consider Exodus 32, the story of the golden calf. The scripture says,"The people saw that Moses was delayed in descending the mountain". They believed Moses was dead and asked Aaron to" make gods that would go before us". So, Aaron threw a lump of gold into the fire and out came a calf, fashioned by Egyptian sorcerers. This calf represented an Egyptian god related to easter. Aaron declared a "Festival to Hashem" and the people brought offerings and ate and drank. Did this matter to G-d? Yes! "Let My anger flare up against them and I shall annihilate them;" Moses commanded the Levites to kill the guilty, which was three thousand.
But what did the the calf mean to them? Was it to replace their mediator Moses? Was it a way to worship G-d? Did they celebrate a pagan festival and declare it to G-d? It seems so. Did it matter to G-d. It seems so.
One more thing, Exodus 32 is in the Torah Portion the week.