Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Requirement To Be Very Hot

As recorded by Scott, in the name of Teresa bar Abraham, as stated by the Chafetz Chaim.

One day as the Chafetz Chaim was about to immerse himself in the mikveh, he asked R’Yidel the attendant if he had heated the water. R’ Yidel replies, “Of course, Rebbe. Just a short while ago I emptied half of the hot-water tank into the Mikveh.” The Chafetz Chaim went into the water and much to his chagrin, it was very cold. When he came out, he went over to the hot-water tank and stuck his hand inside. Sure enough, it was no more than lukewarm. He then commented to R’ Yidel, “If the hot-water tank itself is lukewarm, then the frigid mikveh will be no more than cool.”

So what is the moral of this parable? “Only people whose commitment to Torah and mitzvos is very “hot” can try to warm others to the cause. One with limited commitment runs the risk of being cooled off by those he tries to inspire.”

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