Sunday, September 27, 2015

Genesis and the Big Bang (Part 4)

(Gen 1:2), “…and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving on the waters.  Only after the expansion of the universe had proceeded, did the initial light of creation separate from darkness.  “At 10-43 seconds, scientists believe the universe had a diameter of 10-24 centimeters.  At that instant, a unique, one-time force-a sort of antigravity- developed.  This force…caused an expansion of the universe at a rate far in excess of any rate prior to, or after…that inflated the universe to the size of a grapefruit” [1]  This “inflation” of the universe was first formulated by Alan Guth at M.I.T in 1979.  Although still widely debated, there currently appears to be more support for the theory than against it.  Some have equated this event to the act of a top billiard player breaking a rack of billiard balls.   
Astrophysicist have no explanation for what force, referred to as an “inflationary epoch”, could have acted on this super black hole to cause its expansion.  The acting force seems to defy our current understanding of black holes.  Dr. Gerald L. Schroeder, Ph.D., author of the book Genesis and the Big Bang, finds an explanation in scripture for the force behind the inflation of the universe, “the Spirit of God was moving on the waters.” 

This darkness is identified by scientists as “a super black hole” from which neither light nor matter can escape.  It is not merely light that God created, but also darkness, “The One forming light and creating darkness,” (Isa 45:7).  The relatively recent discovery of “black holes” demonstrates that darkness in not just the absence of light, but a physical part of the universe that was part of the “creation process”. 

[1] Genesis and the Big Bang, Gerald L. Schroeder, Ph.D, 1990 Edition, page 93

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