Thursday, June 18, 2009

Could I Have Some More, Please

Continuing Scott's thoughts on the Spirit. It may be that the giving of the Spirit to individuals is

done in increments proportionate to their level of maturity. A new believer might not receive the

full amount of the Spirit at once, but overtime with growing knowledge of the Scriptures and

deeper understanding, his Spirit increases.

The Spirit could also be proportioned relative to what you have been called to do, or a task you

are facing. In the Hebrew text, the term "the Spirit of the Lord came upon him" is used giving

impression that God could give out the Spirit for a specific time or task, and then It would be

taken away. 1 Samuel 16:13 Related to King David and references in Judges related to Gideon

and others.

The Scriptures say of John in Luke 1:15 He will be filled with HS even from birth. and in 1:80

" the child grew and became strong in the spirit". We know what great calling John had for

his life and how God prepared him even from birth.

When we were discussing this last night, Tina brought up the picture of the oil lamp, if you have

a lamp and give some of your oil to someone else, your oil diminishes but the Spirit as a unit

increases, and I

thought of the parable of the talents. The idea of being given an amount, using it wisely, and

being rewarded with more.

If we receive the full measure of the Spirit as a new believer without complete understanding of

it's power, can that power be used inappropriately? I don't know, but it seems we would need

some training and teaching in order to gain the full benefit of the power from the Spirit. What

does the Scripture say about this?

With the idea of the Spirit being given according to wisdom and maturity, I want to be worthy of

being given more. Could I have some more,



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