Saturday, June 13, 2009

The foundation and Function of Family

If you hand a young child a paper and a crayon, he will probably draw a house and a family. Have you ever wondered why kids do that? It is an innate desire to be a part of a family. God planted that desire for family in us because the family is foundational. Not just to reproduce children, but to reproduce godliness. Adam was alone; God created Eve because it was not good for man to be alone—God created family.
From the earliest days God’s people were told to teach their children about Him. Read the Scriptures and you will see that it was the parents who were commanded to instruct their children, train their children, and lead their children into all godliness. In fact, that is the primary responsibility of a parent—to equip his children for works of service for the Lord. In every celebration that God established, He told the people things like: “When you celebrate this feast, tell your children that I, the Lord, saved you.”
On every Sabbath, the family gathered at the table and sang psalms, spoke blessings, and taught Scripture. From five years of age, every child memorized God’s word. Every feast was established by God as a celebration and a reminder of what He had done: Passover—salvation from bondage; Pentecost—the giving of God’s word at Mt. Sinai; Sukkot (Tabernacles)—God dwelt with man in the desert and will return to dwell with man again.
Why would God do that? So His people could be prepared in season and out. So that His word would endure. When the Temple was destroyed, it didn’t destroy God’s teachings because the home was where the Scripture was taught. When the people were sent into exile, their greatest priority was to keep the family together so that worship and godly instruction could continue. Even during the Holocaust, the people formed familial units in prison in order to perpetuate God’s word which was written on their hearts.
From the very beginning, the purpose of a Jew was to be a light to the nations. To carry God’s word to the world. Look at Jesus’ teachings: A house on a hill cannot be hidden. The house is representative of family. You establish a strong family through God’s teachings and the world will take notice.
For Christians, however, the church is the center of worship. We go to church so someone else who has studied can tell us what God’s word is. We read Bible stories to our kids, but those stories are generally from picture books and not from God’s word itself. Our holidays and celebrations have absolutely nothing to do with God. Some might argue for Christmas and Easter, but where in God’s word are they even mentioned? Nowhere because they are pagan holidays and celebrations honoring false gods that man decided to rename and celebrate to “the glory of God.”
If there were to come a time in our nation where church buildings were locked up, worship outlawed, and every Bible destroyed, it saddens me to think that God’s word would end in America with our generation because we have not done anything to ensure its perpetuation.
We call ourselves God’s people, but we are not as prepared as God commanded His people to be. Scripture says judgment will begin in the house of God. That’s us. Are we ready for judgment and persecution? Are we ready for spiritual battle? Ephesians 6 tells us to put on the full armor of God. The battlefield is not where you put on the armor, and it is definitely not the place where you learn to use the weapons. Once the enemy engages you, it is too late to prepare.
Today is the day of Salvation. Choose you today whom you will serve. And remember, by your fruit, you will be known.

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