Sunday, February 22, 2009

"I make known the end from the beginning"

Hello All: I thought this was very interesting.

Isaiah 46:10 says: “ I make known the end from the beginning.”

The passage in Isaiah declares the end days by telling us the beginning.

The Creation story is prophecy.

Adam ate of fruit. Lived to be 930 years and died in that 1000 year day. 2 Peter 3:8 (1 day is as a 1000 years)

Each day of creation is a corresponding 1000 year in the history of the world. The pattern is stunning.

In the first day created light and darkness. In the first 1000 years Adam came in he was with God and sinned and brought darkness in the world. He was separated from the light. Darkness and light were separated. Adam died in the first day. (By the way we are not all made in the image of God. Adam was made in the image of God. We are made in the image of Adam. We have to be born again in the spirit of God because we are born in the image of Adam.)

What was the 2nd day of creation? The waters. What was in the second 1000 year period. The flood.

What was in the 3rd day of creation? Plants yielding seed. What was in the 3rd millennium. Abraham in his seed all the families would be blessed. Israel means the planting of the Lord.

On the 4th day he brought forth lights and the expanse of heaven, the signs and seasons. What happen in the fourth millennium, Kings, Profits who are said of them they are lights that show forth the signs and seasons of God.

The 5th day - living creatures. What happen in the 5th millennium. The Messiah showed up to make us new creatures.

6th day - Men and Women told them to fill the earth and subdue it. What has happened in the 6th millennium? We have filled the earth with us. Men and Woman have subdued the earth.

7th day is Sabbath and the day of rest, the time he will return. Since there was confusion with dates in the middle 2000 years with the king and profits the exact year is not known and it is written that no one knows the time.


Bryan said...

Very interesting post. Great thoughts. Several years ago I made the observation that we are no longer BORN with the image of God. It is only after we are reborn that we are created in His image. That was my last article to actually get published in GT. After thinking about it for a while, however, I backed off from that position--not teaching it again. (It is potentially destructive to those who are immature.) However, I still believe it to be correct. Good job, Rich!

Rich said...

This posting needs more refinement. I reserve the right to change my mind, but for now this what I feel.